中班英语活动:Happy times 活动目标:
中班英语活动:Happy times 活动目标:
2、复习、巩固句型“I LIKE ……”,接触新词汇
1、What a nice day! Come on, Let’ start off o our horse!
2、Listen! What sound i that? It’ animals’. So many animals! Gue , Who are they? They’re behind the tree, if you right, they’ll play with us!
3、Which animal do you like? Will you mimic their crowing or images?
4、Look, what’ this? Let’ play a game. I say one, two, three, the you throw a ring o your favourite animal, are you ready? Which did you get?
5、They’re tired. They’ll go to sleep. Say goodbye to them.
6、Woo, How beautiful flowers! Come and have a look! What color are they? I like red(green, blue, pink……). And you? I have a piece of cloth, Let’ decorate it. First, let’ put o a cloth. Don’t dirty your cloths. Look, I like ……, Who will try? Show me your flowers, how beautiful! Let’ cry “woo woo woo”. Louder please!
7、AaOo, It’ time to go home. Let’ go o our rocking horse! Say goodbye to teachers!
活动目标: 1、引导并鼓励幼儿在感受不同类型音乐的基础上大胆地表现出自己认为的善与恶的形象。
活动准备: 情景创设(森林)、小兔的头饰若干、大灰狼的衣服、磁带
活动过程 :
(一) 情景创设(复习部分动物单词)
出示小兔的头饰,Who is it ? 今天我们就来做ra it做游戏,(幼儿与教师一起带头饰) Who are you ? We are ra its. (音乐……):今天我们又要来做游戏了,Are you ha y? ( It’s carrot …… go go go ——carrot carrot eat eat eat. It’s gra ……go go go ——gra gra eat eat eat. That’s mushroom …… ——mushroom mushroom eat eat eat
(二) 新授单词wolf (沉重地音乐……)gue gue,Who will coming? (tiger 、lion、elephant、bear……) Look,Who is coming? It’s a WOLF. 纠正幼儿对新单词的发音。 Wolf 长得什么样?是怎么走路的? 幼儿跟着音乐学wolf。Wolf wolf 大灰狼……
目标: 1、主动运用英语单词和句型,大胆地和同伴交往。
2、语句练习:I like…和 I have…。
3、学习单词Christmas, Santa Claus, gift, 了解单词gloves, socks.
一、 Free Talking(自由谈话)
1、Eva请孩子们随意坐下。 Good morning, everyone. (Good-morning Eva.) Can you sing a song with me? Yes or no? (Yes.)
2、歌曲:Good-morning to you
3、圣诞节谈话Today is the 25th, December. Do you know what day today is?Oh, yes, it's Christmas. (Ok, I tell you it's Christmas.) Christmas mea 圣诞节. Merry Christmas.How do you think about Christmas? You can say in Chinese. ( ow下雪, Santa Claus圣诞老人, Gifts礼物, etc.)
二、See the cartoon. (观看动画)
1、单词、语句跟读:Christmas, Santa Claus, gift.I like ow. I have gifts.
2、Game: Dice, dice, I want six. (骰子游戏)(圣诞老人敲门。) Now we have a guest outside, let's see who is it?
三、Game: Santa Claus's gifts (游戏:圣诞老人的礼物)
1、Ok, Santa Claus, it's Santa Claus.
2、对话Santa Claus: May I come in?Eva: Yes, please.Santa Claus: Hello, everyone.Children: Hello, Santa Claus.Santa Claus: Merry Christmas.Eva: She says圣诞快乐。You can say merry Christmas too.Children: Merry Christmas too.Santa Claus: I have many gifts. Do you like them? Yes or no?Children: Yes.Eva: So many gifts. How can we get it?Santa Claus: If you say what you like in English, you can get a gift.Eva: I see. When I say I like dinosaur, I can get it. Santa Claus: Yes. Here you are.Eva: Thank you. Now who can try?Children: Let me try.(每名幼儿说出句子I like…后即可获得一件礼物。)Santa Claus: Ok, everyone has a gift. I must go now.Eva: Let's say thank you again. Children: Thank you, Santa Claus.Santa Claus: Bye-bye.Children: Bye-bye.
3、礼物展示Ok, I have a dinosaur. I am ha y. Are you ha y? (Yes.) What do you have?(幼儿轮流以句子I have…介绍自己得到的礼物。)
四、Gift Making (礼物制作)装饰手套和袜子 Do you want to make gifts for the teacher, or you good friend? Yes or no? (Yes)Ok, I give you these, What is it? (袜子,手套。) Socks袜子. Gloves手套.You can paint in red, yellow, flowers, or the other. Please make it to a gifts, ok?(幼儿自由装饰手套和袜子。)
教学内容:red light 教学目的:1.培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣.
教学过程:1。师生相互问好。A:Good morning evrybody!B:Good morning Miss zheng .
Long lizard long ,lying on a log ,
look at the lizard ,lying on a log.
3.教师声情并茂的讲红绿灯的故事,幼儿初步复习Red、Yellow、green、go等颜色的词并初步感知Stop 、wait
4.幼儿学习动词Stop 、wait
(1)幼儿与师边念歌谣边作动作。停一停StopStopStop。等一等wait wait wait
蔬菜 Vegetables 活动目标:
1、了解一些常见蔬菜的名称和特征。(西红柿Tomato、黄瓜cucumber、玉米Maize, 胡萝卜Carrot)
T:Yesterday,we have gone to fruit’s home. We has known the apple , banana , Orange and pear, do you also remember them?
T:ok!Now let me test you !(教师出示图片,问)
Please take a picture. What is this? Is this a fruit? Let the vegetables gone here to line up. All these are fruit, all these are vegetables. 二、认识蔬菜
T:This is ……. 1)What color is it?(在黑板上画出颜色)
2)What sample is it?(在黑板上画出样子)
T:This is a tomato / Cucumber / Maize / Carrot. It is red / green / yellow / Orange.
It is Round / long、Curved弯 / small、One for one一粒一粒 / long、Thick粗.
Sample: T:Now let us know these vegetables again. Please read after me.
Today, we’ll go to vegetables’s home. Look, it’s a pocket. Many vegetables in it. What vegetables inside this pocket? If you want to know ,please touch one. Who can try? 幼儿上前摸,提醒他们摸一个Touch one,Please tell us, What have you touched to? what is this?
T:Now we will going to do a game“I say You Take”. I will tell the color and sample of the vegetables , Please lift the picture of the vegetables. Other people do judgement ,If they are right please clap your hands, if they are wrong please stamp your foot . Do you understand? Ok!Who can try?
画好后提问:Please tell us ,what vegetables have you drawn?
T:Next,I want to test your eyes. I will show a kind of vegetables very fast , please tell me what vegetables this is. Ok?